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HCN defends CEQA against attack from local agencies
A quick update on the HCN lawsuit against UC's Hill Campus Vegetation Plan. HCN won our suit against UC, but UC decided to appeal the...
UC files opening brief in appeal of recent EIR suit loss
On August 25 UC files its opening brief in its appeal of the earlier Superior Court decision to invalidate their vegetation management...
UC files appeal challenging their recent loss
UC has decided to challenge the successful HCN lawsuit against their hill campus vegetation management EIR. This means that there will be...
HCN prevails in challenge against UC vegetation management EIR
After a long and difficult suit, Judge Frank Roesch decided in favor of HCN's claim that the UC vegetation management plan was so vague...
Update on HCN versus UC hearing
For those who didn't tune it the summary is that it was a very interesting hearing with lots of discussion. The judge didn't make a...
HCN versus UC hearing scheduled for 12/10
Now that HCN, UC and CCC have made all their arguments in this case the judge will hold a hearing on the matter on Friday at 2:00. For...
HCN files opening brief in HCN versus UC case
Yesterday we filed our opening brief in the CEQA case challenging the UC EIR for the hill campus. You will note that the suit is...
update on the HCN versus UC case
Haven't communicate in a while now, but this is only because we are in the boring phase of the case. Have been negotiating schedules and...
UC continues to sue FEMA
As you ay recall, UC sued FEMA some time back, claiming that FEMA's settlement agreement with HCN was unjust and that it should be set...
The Nativists strike back
Shortly after HCN filed suit against the UC Vegetation Management Plan EIR the Claremont Canyon Conservancy also filed. In reviewing...
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